Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

How to Buy a Mobile Home Park

 S.A.M.  = Special Advanced Mentoring


Mobile Home Wealth 4 Day S.A.M. Camp – M/H Parks  – SPECIAL ADVANCED MENTORING

4 days of 9 – 10 hours per day, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, & Sunday from 8AM until 5 PM, EDST

Next class starts Wednesday May 2, 2012

This camp is unlike any real estate training you have ever experienced. It will be limited to a maximum of 5 students who will be personally selected and intensively mentored. The goal of this camp is for the student to leave with at least 2 excellent contracts on mobile home parks,  commercial investment properties, and more if needed.

This is for the serious investor who wants to get started on the road to mobile home wealth with investment property. All applicants must have read Mobile Home Wealth Parts 1 & 2 , and listened to the 2 Wealth Courses on CD. You are there to buy a mobile home park … or two … or three.















When you leave, you will have your due diligence lined up and scheduled for your mobile home parks, along with your inspections, and financing options.

 After you graduate SAM Camp, you will be a GDM – Good Deal Mechanic.

 Uncle Zally will assist you after the class, for up to 3 months, in accomplishing your due diligence. He  may even partner up with you if the deal is right, and there are no compatibilty issues.


What you receive:

1- Both Complete Wealth Systems - Mobile Home Wealth Part 1 and Part 2 "Kits"

2-  All three books  - How to Get a Good Deal, Mobile Home Wealth, Mobile Home Wealth Part 2

3- You and your significant other, or partner, can attend for the same price


CLICK on the Add To Cart button to Purchase THE MOBILE HOME WEALTH 4 Day S.A.M. CAMP FOR ONLY $9,995

Uncle Zally will take you one step at a time through the M-O-B-I-L-E investment property system, with special emphasis on:

  • Finding Mobile Home Park Deals in your area
  • Finding Mobile Home Park Deals all over the country
  • Finding other commercial investments, like warehouses, stores, offices, etc.
  • Making lots of offers on mobile home parks
  • Negotiating the best deals possible on mobile home parks
  • Trying to set up No Money Down Deals for mobile home parks
  • Gathering as much due diligence as possible on your mobile home parks during the S.A.M. camp
  • Scheduling your inspection, and your contractor inspections when you return home
  • Introducing you to Uncle Zally's banker, as well as local Bankers, National bankers, Mortgage Brokers

The beauty of this real estate training is that it is entirely hands-on. You will learn under real circumstances how to buy a mobile home park and if the deal is right, actually own one or more investment properties after the class.


November Graduating Class:


Don't delay! CLICK on the Add To Cart button to Purchase THE MOBILE HOME WEALTH 4 Day S.A.M. CAMP FOR ONLY $9,995