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Kangaroo Kronicles 36 – G’day SAM

Saturday, November 26, 2011 By   ·0

Kangaroo Kronicles 36 G’day SAM
“Uncle Zally” / Stu Silver
How to Buy a Mobile Home ParkSAM camp is over.
For the first time since I became a trainer, and that was 15 years ago, I feel satisfied … and a little sad.
Last week, for four days, there were five others  in my office, eating fresh picked tangerines in the morning, bringing back Subway for lunch, laughing at my foolish attempts to sound Australian, having a good time.
SAM Camp with Uncle ZallyAnd learning. Right Sue and Matt?
I believe I learned as much from the class, as they learned from me. Together, we found good deals that would enrich us, when others were telling us there were none. Together, we learned ways to hold onto our money, when others were trying to take it from us, with lies and deception. Together, we invented new ways to better manage a mobile home park, whether it was 200 miles, or  10,000 miles away.
SAM Camp with Uncle ZallyI empowered my newly adopted nieces and nephews, like Tim and Kim here, with real world skills. They now know how to find deals, evaluate them, write their own contracts, negotiate, and set up due diligence that will  protect them. I introduced them to my banker who will finance them, and they learned how to use Rent Manager to manage their investments and grow wealthy. Because of all the above, I feel satisfied.
Now they’re gone and I miss them. That’s why I feel a little sad. 
SAM Camp with Uncle ZallyYes, they will probably call me with questions and problems in the days and weeks to come, but that is what an Uncle is for, isn’t it, Kezza?
It was a pleasure to teach real world skills, and real world expectations,  as best as I knew. When I started training, back in 1997, I had to adopt a style of training that was primarily motivational, to reassure 5,000 students the money they spent was worthwhile, even though I knew the company I worked for sold too many seminars, to too many people, by making too many promises they couldn’t keep.  
After this SAM Camp, I whispered a prayer of thanks for the blessing of being able to give the best that I am able.
If you would like to watch a video made after the class, with no editing, go to
I have been asked to do another SAM Camp, in the spring of 2012. Judging by how good I feel now, I am going to do it.
If you are interested in acquiring real world skills, with real world expectations, and learning how to grow wealthy with Mobile Home Parks and Commercial Income Property, the class will start Wednesday, April 18, 2012.
I am going to restrict it to 5 people, because I can’t run fast enough from office to office with the contracts that 5 people can produce, scan them in, and send them around the country.
SAM Camp with Uncle ZallyI want to close this article now by saying something publicly to Steven G. McKnight.
Steve, you are  singularly responsible for showing me there is a right way to conduct real estate training, that it does not have to be a cesspool of lies, and we don’t have to get used to the smell of mendacity. (see "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" by Tennesee Williams)
The world is a better place with you running, and I am proud to call you my friend. Keep up the good work!
And Cheers, mates!

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